Insulting, Bullying and Cognitive bias.
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Asia and Youth Role in Asia
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Essay seleksi FIM 17 : Sekar Hanafi
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Surat untuk Bung Hatta : Kabar dari Tanah yang Engkau Bangun, Pak
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Berkerudung itu Merdeka
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Terima kasih Kung
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Dear lelaki cinta pertamaku…
by Unknown on


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Meet The Author

Hy, my name is Sekar Hanafi. A dynamic girl who really wants to explore many interesting things. Every time I try to do epokhe and this makes me curious about many things. As Lau-zhu said "a journey of a thousand miles must begin with single step", glad to me to share something less as the part of my long journey. Let's share and Carpe Diem ^.^